This is a Directory of Medicines (Medicines) containing about 20,000 items, containing composition and pharmacological action, indications for use, method of administration and dosage, contraindications and side effects, interactions with other medicines, etc. The guide works OFFLINE and does not require an Internet connection to work.The database will be loaded on first launch. Use a wi-fi connection.The information in this handbook is for informational purposes only, for healthcare professionals and cannot be used by patients to make decisions about the use of these drugs.We are not responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information in this guide.Consult your doctor before taking any medication!Key Features:1. History - every article youve ever viewed is stored in history.2. Favorites - you can add an article to your favorites list by clicking the "star" icon.3. Manage History and Favorites lists - you can edit these lists or clear them.4. Various settings - you can change the font and theme (choose one of the color themes).5. Widget "Random article of the day". To see the widget in the list, the application must be installed in the phone memory (the directory can be installed anywhere).This app contains ads.